Aug 2, 2010


Welcome August,, Bye July !!!

I'm a bad blogger, I seldom update my blog not only because of laziness, but also because I haven't bought a new laptop. I'll have my laptop soon. YEY!!!
Silvia's lovely eldest brother wanna lend me his student id and copy the iWords to me. :D
There is a promotion for students (in Singapore --> ONLY SIM & MDIS) to get a free iTouch in any Mac purchase.
I'm so 99x happy that Silvia's brother is studying in SIM and wanna help me to ask for the Mac.
It means, I'm gonna have a new Mac Book Pro and iTouch
YEY!!! YEY!!! YEY!!!

Besides happiness, there are a lot of sadness.
1. My grandpa's elder brother passed away (R.I.P)
He is a kind and good person..
him so so so much... :'(
2. All of the assignments must be submitted in August and there are also some freaky test
I don't even start to study and do the assignments yet TT
3. I haven't succeed in losing my weight
I keep eating all the time TT
4. The number of my expenses are getting bigger
The things here are too expensive and I can't even stop buying anything
5. I seldom chat to my mom
I'm too busy with my school assignments and school test, my mom won't often call me anymore. She wants me to do the best for everyone.

I'll try my best for your wishes, mom!

Being a good student or a good person is very difficult.
Doing something wrong is easy.
But I must try my best in being a good person.
I'm trying my best to be as patient as I can.
I must do good to people as what I want them to do good to me.
I believe, in this life, everything that we have done will be reversed to ourselves.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

"I wish, in this new month, I can pass my day easily, especially in doing my assignments and tests."


Christya Wu said...

'Like' no. 2 n 3.
how can u stay with ur weight there?
I think u'll get more thinner then. :))
Study, Study, mer..
jia you..
C.U then.


Merline ♥ said...

huhuuuu....susa say...kan cape amed ma..musti jalan mulu,,jd makan jg makan mulu..hahaha...
tengkiuu say..
w pgn cpt" makin kurus ne.. ;)
wait 4 u.. :D

Vonny said...

really cute blog :D i love the design :))

Merline ♥ said...

thank you...but i'm not the one who creates it.. ;)