Nov 14, 2010


This weekend is the worst weekend. :(
I have stayed at home the whole day since yesterday.
I've nothing to do except sitting in front of my laptop and keep browsing.
I wanna start my assignment, but my brain still cannot work well.
I want to be smarter, so that I can do my assignment easily.
I think that is impossible for me to do anything instantly with a smart brain.
I need to struggle till the end. :(

During my suffer time, I got a good news from my lovely momma.
I LOVE MOMMA very much. :D
She called me and said that she bought me something that I really like for my birthday present.
I know that it is too early, but no one can pass it to anymore if my mom wait till my birthday. :D
She remembers what I've told her few years ago.
At first, she asked me to guest what she had bought for me, but I couldn't remember.
I've forgotten something that I like, but she still remembers. :):):)
I'll wear the present that she buys for me on my birthday.
~~THANK YOU very much, momma~~

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