Jan 7, 2011

Bye… :(

Bye bye to this blog.. :(

I'm moving to a new one..

Jan 6, 2011



This is the best of all.. ♥♥♥

Jan 5, 2011

End of Holiday :(

Tomorrow, 06 January 2011, is a good & bad day for me.
I'll start my new semester which is 3rd semester tomorrow.
I hope that I can do better in my 3rd semester. :)
The bad thing for tomorrow is because I'm lazy to start getting tired with school's stuffs.
But, there are good things, I'll meet my friends tomorrow & it's WELAS' special day. :)
I really miss all of my friends...

Jan 3, 2011


Hello 2011!!!
Bye 2010!!!

There are a lot of wishes for 2011. I expect to change become better & learn from my experiences. :)
I just came back from Indonesia yesterday and OF COURSE there are a lot of stories during my holiday.
But I will just skip that part because it is too long to write here. ;)
I really enjoyed my holiday and it caused me become 3kg fatter than before. :(
I need to go on a DIET!

I thought that my school started from today, but it was totally wrong.
It is going to start on 6th Jan 2011.
Because I am here, Singapore, so that I need to help the student club in the orientation for new students.
I'm helping for today & tomorrow. :)
Actually there is still one more day, Saturday, but I cannot help them BECAUSE WELAS, 55, SC & SENI (SC's cousin) will come for few days. YIHAAA!!! :D
I will go out with them & SW on Saturday and Sunday. ;D

Because Jane is HERE, OF COURSE I also go out with her, and Jessie is also here.
She will go back to Medan tomorrow.
We took some pictures just now.